Monday, July 28, 2008

Go Amy! Go Amy!

Last weekend was our first ever British Cheerleading Association Championship which was held up in Telford. Neither Steve nor I were sure of what to expect apart from the fact that both of us were fully prepared for Amy to get stage fright at the last moment.

We are very pleased to say that we were completely wrong. To say the girl has been bitten by the cheerleading bug is an understatement. She had an absolute blast.

The competition was over 2 days with the groups repeating their performance on both days and an aggregate score being calculated.

Amy's group came 3rd out of their age range and her squad, DC49, won lots of trophies over a range of age categories including a couple of 1st places!!

She now wants to attend the DC49 summer cheer camp at the end of August so we are just checking out availability and to go to the extra after school practice sessions on a Thursday night when they start up again in September.

Steve and I were immensely proud watching her and the whole of the DC 49 squad - it looked like very hard work.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ben the Radio Star

For those of you who haven't heard it already I thought I should do a post about Ben's stint on Local Radio.

We managed to get an interview on BBC Essex to talk about The Moebius Research Trust and their major fundraiser -

Ben was very much in awe of his surroundings but did start to come out of his shell towards the end and even managed a sweet little goodbye at the end.

Lets hope it works and we help raise some awareness & cash. We did a boot sale over the weekend with the proceeds going to the trust and managed a nice figure of £165 which is a good start and we should have enough stuff to do another one in a few weeks.

Here's an audio clip of the interview:

Monday, July 07, 2008

Go Lewis!!

Well this weekend was something special. Steve & Daniel had purchased themselves tickets to the British Grand Prix and I had once again managed to wrangle a corporate ticket to the event so we made a weekend of it.

We travelled to Milton Keynes on the Saturday morning and Steve & Daniel went skiing in the snowdome whilst I hit The Centre (MK's Lakeside). We both had a great time in our differing locations and after a lovely dinner in Loch Fyne we settled down for the night in our room at the Holiday Inn.

On Sunday morning we met up with two of my work colleagues and all set off to Silverstone. It's a fairly impressive site as you walk towards it - with the drone of the helicopters getting louder all the while.

We split up at the gates as Steve & Daniel were seated in Woodcotes and myself, Vin & Erick were going into Club Silverstone (our location might have been more prestigious but I think Ste & Dan had a better view of the race).

The race itself was electric and that's from someone who doesn't even get motor-racing. I think all the rain made it much more exciting.

In case you missed the results - Lewis Hamilton won - his first ever British Grand Prix with over 60 seconds lead between him and the 2nd place car. That's some driving!

It was a brilliant day out all round - same time, same place next year boys??!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ben's 3rd Birthday Party

Now the English language is a funny thing could that title means two things and in this case they're both correct. It was Ben's 3rd party to celebrate his 3rd birthday!!

On Sunday Nanna, Grandad, Ally, Bea & Ann came over to help Ben celebrate his birthday bringing with them lots of lovely presents.

It was lovely to see Mum up and about again - albeit very gingerly (she's been in hospital which I may have forgotten to mention with a gammy leg).

The kids had a lovely time playing in the garden and for some reason they asked to be shut in Billy's (the rabbit) run! You can see The Sun headline now "Children Locked in Cage!"

Crazy kids! Anyway, Happy Birthday little man.

P.S. Just another quick update on some Ben related things which I may have forgotten to post - Ben went to Moorfields Eye Hospital the other week and we are now awaiting the arrival of some lovely little glasses for him. They will have photo chromatic lenses so that should hopefully help him a little bit when the sun shines - assuming we can persuade him to wear them of course!

Also yesterday he had his first appointment with his new speech therapist (he'd been transferred by the other one). She seemed very nice and felt his speech to only be about 6 months behind the average which was encouraging. We have to do exercises where he sticks out his tongue - he really enjoys those!!