Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Abort, Abort!

Well today was supposed to be a big day for Ben. He was going to Great Ormond Street for his MRI scan to try and determine the cause of his Moebius Syndrome and I was mentally all prepared. However, yesterday his little cold bloomed into a full blown chest infection and following the prescription of more antibiotics that was curtains for the GOSH appointment. Fairly understandably they are not going to put a 9 month old baby under general anasthetic whilst he has a chest infection. Nor do they want his germs polluting the atmosphere of the ward where many very sick kids will be trying to recover. All that considered though I'm gutted!

So it's back on the waiting list unless a cancellation comes up and fingers crossed that when we do get another appointment he is well enough for it.

As a further blow now he has had another chest infection he will have to go for some procedure which I won't even try and spell which involves a chest x-ray to try and discover the cause of his repeated chest infections. Ho Hum.

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