Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Brilliant Weekend!!!

This weekend was one of the best of my life so far.... Steve came good on a promise he had made several years earlier. -- "I'll take you to see George Michael if he ever tours again" must have seemed like a safe bet!

However, things being as the are in the U.K. it's cheaper to transport your entire family to the South of France (complete with babysitter) for one night than to pay Wembley prices! For those not in the know my flying phobia means that I won't fly without the kids - silly I know but that's what phobias are. It also meant that we were able to fulfill Amy's wish to travel on a plane - more about that later.

The concert was excellent - his voice is still superb and the performance was well worth the wait. We were really close, although the heat in the venue was stifling and after about and hour crammed in with several thousand sweaty French gay men we moved slightly back but the view was still very good.

Apologies about the quality of the photo. It was taken on my crappy mobile phone but it's all I've got.

You've got to love France though - their concert experience is a little different to ours. Grot burgers turn into premium French keebabs with baguette & the stalls sell good quality beer that doesn't cost you £4 a pint.

On the Sunday we drove up to St. Tropez and spent the morning browsing round the shops trying to blend in! The yachts are beautiful and we had much fun picking our favourite from the many on show.

After a splendid lunch of Moules & Frites (and that includes Amy - no other 4 year old I know would eat Mussels!) we travelled back home.

Amy loved flying - even the little spot of turbulence near the end which sent me spiraling into panic didn't faze her - I'm not even sure she noticed.

Ben seemed to be able to take or leave flying. Well leave really, he found the whole idea of being strapped down for a couple of hours and unable to destroy things frankly a little boring.

All in all a great weekend.

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