Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Zoo Trip

Had a great day yesterday. Went to Colchester Zoo with Kirstie & a couple of her friends. In all there were 9 children and 4 adults.

When we got there I couldn't believe the amount of cars - we had to park in the alternative, alternative car park and I nearly gave up on the whole thing and came back home again. Kirstie talked me out of it and in the end we had a lovely time.

Ben saw loads of tigers - everything he saw he shouted tiger at; elephants, monkeys, zebras (i was willing to let him have that one) and Amy did lots of running about! They were both shattered at the end of it and so was I.

Amy then went back to Kirstie's for a sleepover. Rather heart-warmingly she seemed a bit put out that Ben wasn't joining her and seemed confused that it was just her. It seems that in her head there was never a time when Ben wasn't in her life which is really nice.

Was a bit weird at bed time though because I usually check in on her before I turn in and she wasn't there.

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