Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007

Well, they say time flies when you're having fun so I must have been having a really good time because I'm behind again....

So I will do my best to fill in the blanks.

Saturday 22nd December
Was the night of our Christmas party with our friends. We are creatures of habit so found ourselves at the South Lodge again but it's a good night with fine food and cheesy disco music so you can't really go wrong. The kids were sleeping over at Granny's and had been there since about 10am so Steve and I made the most of the day and I went to bed for about 3 hours!

It was really good night. I can always tell because I start to take what I can only assume I must think are arty shots with the camera on tilt!!

Christmas Eve
A big day was planned with Ally the kids and I going to Old MacDonalds Farm Park. As it turns out both Ben and Amy were sick during the night and Amy looked mighty unwell for most of the day so we just kicked about the house for most of it. We did manage to coax Amy out of the house to the Chris Ingle service at St Luke's which we all enjoyed.

Christmas Day
We were woken up nice and early as usual by Ben but Amy didn't stir until around 7am. When we went into the lounge the kids were thrilled to see that Santa had been and left two presents on the fireplace.

Father Christmas brought Ben a Bob the Builder armchair and Amy a High School Musical Sing Along game for the Wii.

We opened the rest of the presents under the tree and then Granny & Granddad popped in with some more presents.

They left and then my parents, Alison & the Nans arrived with even more presents. By this time Ben was a little bit overwhelmed but Amy was thrilled at all the lovely gifts she was receiving.

We had a lovely day singing to Amy's new game and Ben even built himself a stage to sing from. But I think the Nans got a bit tired towards the end of it!

Boxing Day
Well, most of what I have to say here is second hand because I came down with some kind of horrible lurgy and spent most of the day in bed or in the bathroom!

Brenda, John, Kirstie, Phil & the kids came over and by all accounts everyone had a lovely time. There were more presents and everyone had a dip in the hot tub towards the end of the day - which Kirstie had been looking forward to I know.

27th & 28th December

Steve and I had planned to do a spot of sale shopping but I was feeling rough on the 27th still and then Steve felt poorly on the 28th so we didn't really do much. We did manage to buy our new flooring for the lounge though so it that was good.

Saturday 29th December
So that brings us back up to date. Today we went to see High School Musical on Ice and took Amy's friends Lily with us. I swear those two girls did not move, speak or blink for over an hour - they were completely mesmerised.

Ben really enjoyed it too and joined in with the Wildcats dance as soon as it started playing.

We're going away with Paul & Gav, Evie & Morgan for New Years so hopefully I should have some more updates after then.

So Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all.

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