Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ballet & Broomfield

It's been a bit of a busy weekend, but don't I always say that...

It was watching week at Ballet again and myself, Steve & Ben went along. We were wondering if Ben would manage the whole 45 minutes but he behaved himself very well.

Then it was off to Roger & Yoita's for a lunch with friends and family. Mary's in-laws to be were there so it was nice to meet them.

Amy played cheerleading with Druisa who is a few months younger than she is and they were firm friends within about 60 seconds of meeting!

Then today we had the customary burnt bacon breakfast with Granny & Grandad except this time we waved goodbye leaving them in our house! We had to take Ben to the emergency doctors as he has has another flare up of his impetigo and a chest & ear infection to boot!

Also, Amy had a birthday party at 11am today so Steve took her to the party whilst I waited at the doctors with Ben.

Then this afternoon we cleared out the garage - again, it's never-ending whilst the kids played in the garden with Billy.

So it's been pretty busy. Too busy for picture taking in fact!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Clash of the Titans

You may recall back in January that the family made a pilgrimage to Blackpool to watch Ipswich v Blackpool FC. Well the return leg at the Ipswich home ground was this weekend and nothing was going to stop them all going - not even Dad's knee operation!! Even the kids were going this time.

Naturally I declined so spent the afternoon discovering the delights of Ipswich's shopping district where I experienced the joys of Primark! I think I shall have to start a Facebook group campaigning to bring Primark to Chelmsford.

By all accounts the match was a good one but it was a very cold day (colder even than Blackpool had been in January!) and those footie boys can really make some noise so Ben bowed out just after half time.

Amy gave up with about 15 minutes to go but to be fair the game was all over by then anyway with the final result 2-1 to Ipswich.

Strangely it seems we didn't take any pictures the entire weekend. However, we do have a nice little video of Amy singing & dancing on the trampoline from Sunday afternoon. The song she is singing is All for One from High School Musical and if you manage to watch to the end there's a great recovery from a "You've Been Framed" moment!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tap, Tap, Bang, Bang!

It's been a bit of a busy weekend....

On Saturday we were having the carpet in the lounge replaced with wooden flooring as the carpet was just not up the job of dealing with the multiple spillages that seem to go hand in hand with our two. So one of John's mates came round and fitted it all for us and very good job he made of it too.

We also had to put together a new house for Billy - his previous abode having been damaged in the "great wind" on Thursday.

Then today Granny & Grandad came back from their holidays and round ours for burnt bacon breakfast.

The kids had a lovely time in the morning playing on the new lounge floor. I am sure the novelty will wear off soon enough but we made good use of their enthusiasm and set them to work with brooms & brushes! Amy especially likes it because she can tap dance on it and Ben likes the fact this his tools make even more noise when bashed now!

Then this afternoon Amy had a party to go to for one of her old nursery friends. So it's been all go. Steve and I were glad to sit down this evening.