Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tap, Tap, Bang, Bang!

It's been a bit of a busy weekend....

On Saturday we were having the carpet in the lounge replaced with wooden flooring as the carpet was just not up the job of dealing with the multiple spillages that seem to go hand in hand with our two. So one of John's mates came round and fitted it all for us and very good job he made of it too.

We also had to put together a new house for Billy - his previous abode having been damaged in the "great wind" on Thursday.

Then today Granny & Grandad came back from their holidays and round ours for burnt bacon breakfast.

The kids had a lovely time in the morning playing on the new lounge floor. I am sure the novelty will wear off soon enough but we made good use of their enthusiasm and set them to work with brooms & brushes! Amy especially likes it because she can tap dance on it and Ben likes the fact this his tools make even more noise when bashed now!

Then this afternoon Amy had a party to go to for one of her old nursery friends. So it's been all go. Steve and I were glad to sit down this evening.

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