Sunday, December 07, 2008


It's been a busy old Sunday. We are just returned from a visit to Lapland UK and before you all panic not the dodgy one in Dorset with the swearing elves!

This was Lapland UK in Kent and were all had a very magical day...

We started by walking down a woodland tunnel strung with fairy lights before emerging on the other side to a landscape of snowy white Christmas trees.

Our first stop was to the rocking horse toy factory complete with a little elf sized entrance for the kids to go through, where we had a go a making a rocking horse.

Then we moved on the Mother Christmas' gingerbread house where the kids got to decorate (and of course eat) gingerbread men.

After that it was time for some tea and a little look around Lapland village - saying hello to the reindeer (real and not so) and the husky dogs.

And after that it was a visit to see the big man himself - Amy was completely amazed that he knew everything about them but I guess that's just because he's magic.

Finally we had a little turn about the ice-rink. Ben and I managed about 5 wobbly steps before he announced "my no like it" and I gratefully returned with him to a non-slip surface.

It was a wonderful, magical day and such a great age to have been able to do it with them!

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